Sunday, April 16, 2006

Iran fortifies nuclear sites, warns against attack

Former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani warned against an attack against on its nuclear facilities saying that it would destabilize the entire region.

Rafsanjani said that the U.S. was using psychological warfare against Iran and that its attempts to stop Iranian nuclear development were "unjust."

Elsehwere UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan also warned against U.S. military action saying that there were better ways to solve the issue.

"I still think the best solution is a negotiated one, and I don't see what would be solved by a military operation," he said. "I hope the will to negotiate prevails and that the military option proves to be only speculation," Annan told Spain's ABC Daily.

Pope Benedict, in a speech after Easter Sunday Mass, likewise called for a diplomatic solution speaking before a tv audience of millions.

The comments came as the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), a U.S. think tank, released photos that it suggests show fortifications at the Natanz underground uranium enrichment facility.

According to ISIS, evidence of new tunnel openings indicates expansion of enrichment operations. They also released pictures that suggest the plant's tunnels have been gradually buried under successive layers of earth and concrete up to 8 meters (26 feet) deep.

Iran Official Warns U.S. Against Strike

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