Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Somali militia to seize government base

In a bid to establish full control over Somalia, the Islamist militia run by the country's Sharia court said it would seize Baidoa, base of the interim government.

Ethiopia, which backs the interim government, said it would defend Baidoa raising the risk of a regional war.

The chairman of the Sinai Sharia court, Sheikh Dahir Shikhow Faarax holding a video tape, Wednesday, July 19, 2006, in Mogadishu Somalia, as evidence for arresting people watching films that the courts alleged were against Islamic law. (AP Photo/Mohamed Sheikh Nor)
Chairman of the Sinai Sharia court, Sheikh Dahir Shikhow Faarax holding a video tape, Wednesday, July 19, 2006, in Mogadishu Somalia, as evidence for arresting people watching films that the courts alleged were against Islamic Sharia law. AP Photo/Mohamed Sheikh Nor via Yahoo News.

"We have the responsibility to defend the border and the Somali government. We will crush them," Ethiopia's Minister of Information, Berhan Hailu, told The Associated Press.

The Islamists, who some have linked to al-Qaeda, have steadily conquered the majority of Somalia after taking control of the former capital of Mogadishu.

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