Saturday, November 01, 2008

"Ecological credit crunch'

Today, the world if facing a financial credit crunch that is making headlines. However, the impact of the current problem is dwarfed by the potential consequences of the 'ecological credit crunch,' according to the World Wildlife Fund in their "Living Planet Report."

The report highlights a study by the European Union that estimates the world is losing two and five trillion dollars each year in "natural capital."

Per capita, the United States is by far the worse consumer of natural resources. For example, the average person in the U.S. consumes more than four times as much water as a person in Yemen, and about twice as much as the average per capita in the world. Water will become an increasingly precious resource in the future especially with the continued loss of rainforest.

Rainforests are also the "lungs of the Earth" that help stave off global warming and rising sea levels by converting greenhouse gases.

Many nations currently import water when you calculate the amount of water used in creating imported goods. For example, the United Kingdom imports more than half the water it consumes from all sources.

Many agricultural systems around the world and cannot tolerate sustained changes in weather even if they might appear relatively mild to the ordinary person. Thus, if the weather permanetly becomes a little hotter or colder, or a little wetter or drier, it can have a devastating effect on local agriculture. Adapting to the new weather patterns can take many years or even many generations.

Voice of America

Wales warned over ‘ecological credit crunch
WalesOnline, United Kingdom - Oct 30, 2008
WWF Cymru said the planet could be heading for an “ecological credit crunch” because, like three quarters of the world’s population, Wales is an “ecological ...
Conservationists Warn of Ecological Credit Crunch Voice of America
World heading for ecological credit crunch:


NASA Measurements Show Greenhouse Gas Methane on the Rise Again
MarketWatch - Oct 29, 2008
Methane levels in the atmosphere have more than tripled since pre-industrial times, accounting for around one-fifth of the human contribution to greenhouse ...
NASA: Greenhouse Gas Methane Rising Associated Content
Another potent greenhouse gas on the rise Cosmos
US report: Methane gas levels begin to increase again Xinhua

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