Monday, January 12, 2009

The Oracle

Here are the videos from economist Max Keiser's new BBC show The Oracle.

What I found particularly funny and telling was the interview with the guy who has had no job or other source of income for some time but still gets bombarded with credit card offers and approved new credit cards.

That sort of illustrates the whole economic strategy of America at all levels -- unbridled debt spending. Borrowing money, despite having no sources of income, and then spending it as quickly as you can. There's no balance, no wisdom, no sense of the cycles of nature in this type of thinking. It's people who think they've discovered the secret of life and it's just spend, spend, spend and keep spending. And when you run out of money, borrow some and spend it as fast as you can! That's the answer.

The Oracle with Max Keiser - Episode One - part 1

The Oracle with Max Keiser - Episode One - part 2

The Oracle with Max Keiser - Episode One - part 3

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