Friday, February 06, 2009

Kyrgyzstan firm on closing U.S. base

Kyrgyzstan is closing the U.S. base on its territory, the government said Friday.

Financial considerations and a slaying of a Kyrgyz citizen have strained public support for the U.S. military presence. The base is an important supply point for operations in Afghanistan where the Obama administration intends on increasing the U.S. troop presence by about 30,000.

Negotiations are reportedly underway with neighboring nations like Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. There are also reports that Russia pressured Kyrgyzstan into closing the base and will try to persuade other Central Asian countries to follow suit. Moscow and Washington are engaged in a modern version of the "Great Game," a reference to the competition between the British and Russia in Central Asia during colonial times.

Kyrgyzstan cites slaying, finances in closing of US base
CNN - 1 hour ago
(CNN) -- Kyrgyzstan's government said Friday that financial concerns and the killing of a citizen are among the reasons the country will close a US base that has been a key operations point for US efforts in Afghanistan.
Video: Is Kyrgyz NATO base closure a done deal? RussiaToday

US Can Ship Afghan Aid Through Russia, Kremlin Says New York Times

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