Friday, December 22, 2006

UN: Globalization must be more inclusive

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Kemal Dervis told reporters Friday that the world's poor must not be left out of the globalization process.

Dervis said that despite a "virtually unprecedented rate" of global economic growth, inequalities between the rich and poor both within and between nations was "exploding."

Millennium Development Goals (MGDs), which seek to drastically reduce or eliminate several social and economic ill, are a "tremendously powerful mobilizing force" to address these concerns, he said.

Nobel peace laureate Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh leaves the Nobel institute after giving a press conference in Oslo. Yunus said that the system of tiny, no-collateral loans to the poor he pioneered would help his native Bangladesh, among the world's poorest nations, meet a UN goal of halving poverty within a decade.(AFP/Daniel Sannum Laute)
Nobel peace laureate Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh leaves the Nobel institute after a press conference in Oslo. Yunus discussed UN goals of halving poverty within a decade and his own program of direct microloans to the poor. AFP/Daniel Sannum Laute via Yahoo News.

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