Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Climate Change passes key threshold

According to standards set by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world has passed a tipping point in the global warming crisis a decade earlier than expected.

"As of mid-2005 there was about 455 parts per million of what's called carbon dioxide equivalent, and that's a figure that's gathered by taking the potential of all 30 greenhouse gases and converting them into carbon dioxide potential," Australian scientist Tim Flannery told ABC Television.

According to some predictions, at this carbon dioxide level, massive ice sheets could start collapsing, rain forests will begin burning down at increasing rates and biodiversity will begin to decline more rapidly. Global negative impact on agriculture and massive human dislocation could occur.

In other news, the Innu First Nation will cooperate with scientists studying climate change in the Canadian regions of northern Newfoundland and Labrador.

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