Saturday, June 10, 2006

First tropical depression of 2006 forms in Caribbean Sea

The first tropical depression of the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season has formed in the Yucatan Channel and is expected to grow into tropical storm Alberto in the next day or so.

This year is expected to be a busy one but not so severe as last year's record hurricane season that produced widespread devastation on the northern Gulf coasts.

Tropical Storm Alberto is expected to make landfall somewhere on the Gulf side of Florida, but is not expected to reach hurricane strength.

Meterologists note that the Gulf of Mexico is cooler than it was this time last year, and that could mean less energy to create stronger storms.

U.S. National Hurricane Center three day warning for Tropical Depression One.
U.S. National Hurricane Center three day warning for Tropical Depression One. AFP photo from Yahoo News.

Still forecasters are predicting about a half dozen hurricanes during this season.

Other factors also effect the strength of storms including atmospheric winds that can shear hurricanes apart allowing storm-causing heat and moisture to escape.

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