Thursday, April 13, 2006

Going solar, energy alternatives to the grid

Solar and wind energy are in vogue in the U.S. with increasing numbers of people modifying their homes to produce green energy.

The rapid rise in electric bills has fueled the boom, and many in the industry see no end to the upward trend.

Solar-powered houses not only have the potential of offering full independence from power shortages and outages, but in many cases one can sell excess electricity back to the grid.

My sister and brother-in-law as a case in point use batteries to store solar energy in case of prolonged bad weather. In extreme cases they may have to purchase electricty off the grid, but in most cases they are either self-sufficient or sell their own electricity to the power companies.

For most home owners it would take one or two decades to pay off the bills needed to install solar power generation, but maybe that's a small price to pay for complete environmentally-friendly energy independence.

Off the grid or on, solar and wind power gain

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