Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Somalia looks to block war with Sudan

Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir will attempt to head off war in Somalia by mediating talks between Islamists and the interim government, Sudan announced Wednesday.

With the interim government becoming increasingly besieged by Islamist forces, there is some threat that Ethiopia, which backs the interim leaders, might also get dragged into the fighting.

"The government will not meet with the Islamic courts face-to-face but will agree after their meeting with the Sudanese president on when and where to hold talks inside Somalia," spokesman Abdirahman Dinari told Reuters.

Somalia Interim President Abdullahi Yusuf in Nairobi, Kenya June 13, 2005.  (Radu Sigheti/Reuters)
Somalia Interim President Abdullahi Yusuf in Nairobi, Kenya June 13, 2005. Yusuf has requested African Union peacekeepers, a move resisted by Islamist leaders in Somalia. Radu Sigheti/Reuters photo via Yahoo News.

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