Wednesday, August 30, 2006

California moves forward on global warming battle

California is close to enacting tough new laws aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emission that may pave the way for Washington to make similar moves.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has accused fellow Republican President George W. Bush of failing to take leadership on global warming, said he reached a "historic agreement" with Democrats to make California a leader in reducing carbon emissions.

California's Global Warming Solutions Act sets emissions to 1990 levels, a cut of around 25 percent, by 2020 with an enforceable cap and mandatory reporting for top polluters like energy companies.

he skyline of downtown Los Angeles is seen through a layer of smog from a rooftop in Hollywood, May 31, 2006. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said on Wednesday he has reached an agreement with lawmakers on a bill that will be the toughest legislation in the United States on cutting greenhouse gas emissions. (Fred Prouser/Reuters)
The skyline of downtown Los Angeles seen through a layer of smog from a rooftop in Hollywood, May 31, 2006. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said Wednesday he has reached agreement with lawmakers on the toughest legislation in the United States aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Fred Prouser/Reuters via Yahoo News.

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