Saturday, July 15, 2006

North Korea nixes U.N. Security Council resolution

North Korea rejected a unanimous U.N. Security Council resolution calling for Pyongyang to halt further ballistic missile testing.

Describing the resolution as "gangster-like" North Korea's UN ambassador Pak Gil Yon defended the country's right to develop its military deterrent.

Pak Gil Yon, North Korea's ambassador to the United Nations, is seen before a Security Council meeting on 05 July 2006. (AFP/File/Stan Honda)
Pak Gil Yon, North Korea's ambassador to the United Nations, at the Security Council meeting on 05 July 2006. AFP/File/Stan Honda photo via Yahoo News.

The resolution though was watered down significantly to prevent vetoes from China or Russia.

Pak said that North Korea would continue to launch missiles and warned that it would be forced to "take stronger physical actions" if any country interfered with its testing process.

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