Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Israel invades Lebanon

Israel sent 8,000 troops into Lebanon in an attempt to clear out Hezbollah fighters. The guerillas responded by firing 230 rockets into Israel -- the largest daily tally yet -- with its deepest strikes yet into the country.

With Israel demanding an international force in southern Lebanon before the possibility of a ceasefire, the fighting will likely go on for weeks at the least.

Some analysts think the current push might be aimed at destroying major Hezbollah infrastructure as far as the Litani River.

Israeli soldiers gather before entering Lebanon, at the Israeli-Lebanese border August 2, 2006. Hizbollah fired more rockets into Israel on Wednesday than on any previous day of the 22-day-old war, killing one Israeli and wounding 123 after helicopter-borne commandos launched Israel's deepest raid into Lebanon. REUTERS/Gil Cohen Magen
Israeli soldiers gather before entering Lebanon, at the Israeli-Lebanese border August 2, 2006. REUTERS/Gil Cohen Magen photo via Yahoo News.

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