Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sudan rebels reject Darfur peace talks

Rebels in Sudan's Darfur region rejected a deadline for peace talks Sunday. The African Union, however, gave another 48 hours for both sides to accept the proposal for negotiations.

With 3 million refugees in the Darfur area, it has been the scene of a continuing humanitarian disaster.

Fighting in the area between the culturally-Arab Janjaweed and the Darfur ethnic minorities has persisted for decades. It is often mischaracterized in the Western press as a war between "black" and "non-black" groups, but this is inaccurate.

Osama bin Laden accused the West and specifically the United States of meddling in Sudan's affairs in order to control its oil resources.

In Washington DC, activists and celebrities rallied Sunday to highlight the Sudan refugee tragedy.

Sudan's rebels reject Darfur peace talks

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