Wednesday, October 29, 2008

War forces 50,000 from homes in Congo

Some 50,000 people fled their homes over the last two days to escape fighting in the eastern Congo.

The fighting in the region threatens to ignite a conflict between Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The area still is simmering after the six-year Great War of Africa that killed an estimated 3.8 million people before a ceasefire in 2002. Yet, since that time another 1.4 million have died due to the violent situation in the area linked in part to ethnic tensions stemming from the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

UN commanders have requested reinforcements for the 17,000 strong peacekeeping force in the region. They have been using attack helicopters in an attempt to contain the Tutsi rebels forces of General Laurent Nkunda, but with little success. There are reports that Rwandan tanks have aided the rebel advance against Hutu militias in Congolese forest.

ABC News

Regional war fear as 50000 homeless in Congo in two days
Times Online - 33 minutes ago
Congolese government forces are fleeing the eastern capital of Goma as Rwandan-backed rebels press towards the town, threatening a lethal confrontation with United Nations peacekeepers and the prospect of all out regional war.
Fighting in Congo Approaches Goma Voice of America
DR Congo flare-up drives 30000 people into camps near Goma Xinhua

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