Wednesday, May 10, 2006

U.S. executive gunned down in Nigeria

A Nigerian gunman shot and killed an executive with U.S. oil company Baker Hughes in Nigeria Wednesday.

The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has conducted a five-month disruption campaign aimed at crippling the country's oil production. During that period, Nigerian exports have dropped by a quarter of their usual outflow.

Rivers State Police Commissioner Samuel Agbetuyi told Reuters that the American was shot by a man on a motorcycle who appeared to be working in coordination with a car.

Resentment among villagers in the delta region where all of Nigeria's OPEC oil is pumped has fueled the unrest. Poor villages are often seen next to massive oil facilities.

According to oil industry sources, Baker Hughes will pull its staff out of the area for an indefinite period as a security measure.

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