Thursday, September 11, 2008

Russian bombers visit Venezuela

Russia and the US continue to revive memories of the Cold War as Russian long-range Tu-160 bombers visited Venezuela on Wednesday.

Further to the north, Cuba is hosting Russian troops and four Russian warships for military maneuvers.

Venezuela is becoming another Cuba in terms of military might with increased arms purchases from Moscow and Beijing. President Hugo Chavez has ordered advanced fighters and submarines to prepare for what he believes is an inevitable US invasion.

The Russian presence in this hemisphere is reminiscent of the Soviet period when Cuba served as an important outpost for Moscow. Although the Russian military has downsized considerably since the fall of the Iron Curtain, recent tensions with the US and NATO have ignited a new militarization with significant armed forces upgrades. High oil prices are helping Moscow pay for the new weapons procurements and for military operations in distant regions.

Cold war echo: Russian military maneuvers with Venezuela
Christian Science Monitor - 58 minutes ago
Russia sent two long-range bombers to Venezuela Wednesday and will send warships and soldiers for joint exercises in November. By José Orozco | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor Caracas, Venezuela; and Mexico City - The last time a Russian ...
Video: Russian bombers arrive in Venezuela RussiaToday
Russia's Venezuela Foray: Tit for Tat? TIME

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