Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Bin Laden clears Moussaoui

Osama bin Laden said he never ordered Zacarias Moussaoui to be on the 9/11 mission and suggested that his confession was forced by his captors.

The al-Qaeda leader spoke through an audio tape uploaded to the As-Sahab website. An anonymous U.S. official said that analysis has authenticated the tape.

AFP file photo of Osama bin Laden.
AFP file photo of Osama bin Laden from Yahoo News.

Bin Laden said that Moussauoi, the only person convicted of participating in the attacks of September 11, 2001, should name his partners if he really was planning to hijack an airplane.

He also claimed that Moussaoui was still learning to fly at the time and could not have piloted an aircraft.

Some analysts see this last tape and another recent message by bin Laden speaking on the situation in Sudan, as attempts to reassert his leadership position in the al-Qaeda network.

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