Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fidel Castro trusts Barack Obama

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro says he does not doubt the sincerity of U.S. President Barack Obama in an editorial posted on the Juventud Rebelde Web site.

I personally harbor no doubt of the honesty with which Obama expressed his ideas,” Castro wrote. “However, despite his noble intentions, some questions remain unanswered. Like, how can a wasteful, consumerist system protect the environment.”

Obama promised to lift some restrictions currently in place against Cuba without ending the embargo that has lasted more than half a century.

BBC News

Fidel Castro Says He Harbors No Doubts About Obama’s Honesty
Bloomberg - 1 hour ago
By Daniel Cancel Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Former Cuban President Fidel Castro, in his first editorial in five weeks, said he has no doubt that US President Barack Obama is honest and has “noble intentions.
Video: Fidel's Doing Well? CBS
Castro Ends Silence, Praises Obama Voice of America

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