Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Typhoon Ewiniar heads for Okinawa

Typhoon Ewiniar is packing 112 mph winds and was heading for the Okinawa island chain on Wednesday.

Typhoon Ewiniar is seen in a NOAA satellite image taken July 3, 2006. Ewiniar headed north in the western Pacific Ocean toward Japan's southern Okinawa island chain on Wednesday, and officials said winds in the area were likely to strengthen from early on Friday. (NOAA/Handout/Reuters)
Typhoon Ewiniar seen from an NOAA satellite image on July 3, 2006. NOAA/Handout/Reuters via Yahoo News.

The typhoon, whose name means "storm god" in the Micronesian Chuuk language, was east of the Philippines and heading north at 15 km per hour.

Storm winds are expected in Okinawa by Friday when the typhoon is expected to increase in strength.

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