Thursday, August 24, 2006

Weather slows Ethiopian flood relief

Heavy rain, mud and flood waters hampered efforts to reach thousands of villagers isolated after flash floods hit southern Ethiopia, officials said Wednesday.

Many pastoral people are refusing to leave their cattle making rescue efforts more difficult.

At least 364 people were killed when the Omo River flowed over its banks on August 13.

Ethiopian Army soldiers prepare 18 August 2006 to bring help to residents. Heavy rain, swirling waters, mud, silt and marsh combined to hamper frantic efforts to reach thousands of villagers marooned by deadly flash floods in southern Ethiopia, officials said.(AFP/File/Abraham Fisseha)
Ethiopian Army soldiers prepare to bring help to residents on 18 August 2006. Heavy rain, swirling waters, mud, silt and marsh combined to slow relief efforts, officials said.AFP/File/Abraham Fisseha photo via Yahoo News.

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