Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rare Borneo rhino photographed

Conservationists photographed for the first time the nearly-extinct Sumatra rhino on the island of Borneo.

The Sabah Wildlife Department said Wednesday that a motion-triggered camera trap caught the rhino roaming in a Sabah jungle.

Camera trap photo shows Sumatran Rhino in Sabah rainforest on island of Borneo.
Camera trap photo shows Sumatran Rhino in Sabah rainforest on island of Borneo. WWF-Malaysia/Raymond ALFRED/Handout/Reuters from Yahoo News.

Cameras are part of a campaign to protect the rare rhinos. Poachers offten kill rhinos to obtain their horns which are used as aphrodisiacs in Chinese traditional medicine.

Sumatra rhinos live mostly deep in the rainforests of Malaysia and Sumatra. Possibly only a dozen remain in Borneo, while the worldwide population is estimated at around 300.

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