Friday, February 16, 2007

Al Gore to launch climate-change super-concert

Former US vice-president Al Gore is planning a 24-hour global concert together with Live 8 plan producers to raise awareness of global warming.

The Live Earth concert is scheduled to take place on Jyly 7 at major capitals throughout the world and is expected to draw up to two billion people using mutiple media.

"In order to solve the climate crisis, we have to reach billions of people," said Gore, who revelased the banner "Save Our Selves" -- SOS -- the mega-concert will be held "on 7/7/07 across all seven continents."

"We are launching SOS and Live Earth to begin a process of communication that will mobilize people all over the world to take action," he said.

Former US Vice President Al Gore announces the launching of Save Our Selves (SOS), the Campaign for a Climate Crisis, at the California Science Center in Los Angeles. Gore and Live 8 producer Kevin Wall announced a 24-hour global concert for July 7 with more than 100 leading musical acts to promote action on climate change. AFP/Hector Mata photo via Yahoo News.

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