Monday, May 01, 2006

Immigrants boycott, rally on May Day

As workers across the world celebrate May Day, immigrants in the United States boycotted work, school and businesses to protest legislation targeted against them.

Congress has recently considered bills aimed at criminalizing illegal immigrants and those who "aid" them.

Truck drivers urge fellow workers to honor strike on 'Day without an Immigrant' protest
Truck drivers at Port of Los Angeles urge big-rig drivers to honor general strike or "huelga" in honor of "Day without an Immigrant" boycott. AP photo from Yahoo News.

Many workers who wanted to express solidarity with the boycott were unable since they barely make enough money to pay for food and board. Such situations are common particularly among migrant farm workers in many parts of the country.

In addition to the walkout, large rallies are planned throughout the United States. Some predict the demonstrations may compare with those on April 10 that brought hundreds of thousands into the streets.

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