Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rajoelina takes power in Madagascar

Andry Rajoelina, a 34-year-old former disc jockey has ousted Marc Ravalomanana, 59, and is ready to replace him as president of Madagascar.

The conflict on the island nation has been boiling over since January, when the government blocked the signal of a Rajoelina-owned radio station. , Rajoelina supporters responded by attacking government targets.

Ravalomanana lost support among the military after troops opened fire on anti-government protesters, killing at least 25.

On Tuesday, Ravalomanana ceded power to the military, and within later, the military proclaimed Rajoelina as president. Madagascar's highest court on Wednesday formalized the military action.

Rajoelina had campaigned against Ravalomanana claiming he was not working to alleviate the suffering of the poor.

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