Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Iran tells IAEA no on uranium enrichment

Tehran told the UN atomic agency Monday that it would continue to enrich uranium and it was accused of blocking the Atomic-Weapons Probe.

Iran's enrichment plant in Natanz has produced a total of 480 kilogrammes (1,058 pounds) of low-enriched uranium or LEU, the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency said said.

It would need 1,700 kilogrammes to convert into high-enriched uranium (HEU) for use in an atom bomb, a UN official said.

Iran has cooperated closely with North Korea and other countries in developing ballistic missiles, which many Western analysts believe are intended to deliver nuclear warheads. North Korea has tested an atomic weapon.


Iran's IAEA envoy says it will continue uranium enrichment
AFP - 1 hour ago
TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran's ambassador to the UN atomic watchdog said on Monday that his country will continue enriching uranium in defiance of UN Security Council demands, the ISNA news agency reported.
UN nuclear watchdog says Iran blocking arms probe The Associated Press
Iran Refuses to Cooperate on Atomic-Weapons Probe (Update3) Bloomberg

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