Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Israel massing troops on Gaza border

In a dangerous escalation, Israel massed troops near the border with Gaza and threatened an offensive unless an abducted soldier was freed.

The soldier was captured in a raid by Palestinian militants through a tunnel into Israel. Palestinian groups claimed that the attack was in retaliation for recent Israeli raids that killed civilians and Palestinian leaders.

Israeli soldiers on a field in Mefalsim area on the Israeli-Gaza border, June 26, 2006. (Gil Cohen Magen/Reuters)
Israeli troops positioned in a field in Mefalsim area on the Israeli-Gaza border, June 26, 2006. Gil Cohen Magen/Reuters photo from Yahoo News.

Israel also declared Tuesday that Hamas leaders could be targeted for assassination including the group's supremo Khaled Meshaal who lives in Damascus, Syria.

Diplomatic efforts by Egypt and the United States are underway in heading off what could be a complete breakdown in the peace process.

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