Friday, June 02, 2006

Big poll set for Peru

Peruvians will vote for a new president Sunday in an election closely watched by regional nations.

Again the race could possibly launch another "far left" leader, Ollanta Humala, into power. Venezuela's Hugo Chavez has even endorsed Humala for the position.

Presidential candidate Ollanta Humala speaks before supporters at Cuzco, Peru in  the last rally before presidential elections on Sunday.
Presidential candidate Ollanta Humala speaks before supporters at Cuzco, Peru in the last rally before presidential elections on Sunday. AP photo from Yahoo News.

In this case though, both leaders lean toward the left, but Humala's opponent, Alan Garcia of the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance, is seen as more moderate-left and market-friendly.

Speaking in the ancient Incan capital of Cuzco, Humala said that if he wins "all of Lima will tremble, and all of Congress and the Government Palace will tremble and they will have to accept the sovereignty of the people."

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