Friday, July 04, 2008

Dalai Lama envoy worries about China dialogue

The Tibetan envoy of the Dalai Lama fears that China may only be holding its latest round of talks because of the media coverage surrounding the Beijing Olympic Games.

"There is some widespread belief that they are only meeting because of the Olympics," he said of the talks, which could burnish China's international image weeks before the Games.

Protests disrupted the Olympic torch relay, and there is some view that some countries may boycott the opening ceremonies because of the Tibet situation.

Dalai Lama envoy says Tibet talks tough, ill-timed
Reuters India - 3 hours ago
By Abhishek Madhukar DHARAMSALA, India, July 4 (Reuters) - An envoy of the Dalai Lama said on Friday the latest round of talks with China was "tough", calling the dialogue ill-timed because Beijing was preoccupied with the Olympic Games.
Pressure on Sarkozy over Olympic ceremonies (News Feature) Monsters and
Dalai Lama envoy: China talks difficult The Associated Press

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