Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Singh says terrorists can't win

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said terrorists who attacked commuter trains in Mumbai Tuesday would never win because India would stand united against them.

"They have not yet understood that we will never let them win," he said in a nationally televised address on Wednesday.

The toll from the bombings stands at 200 dead with more than 700 inured.

Local sources claim that police are investigating links between Students' Islamic Movement of India and Lashkar-e-Taiba.

People travel on the local train as service resumed in Mumbai. A defiant Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said India will never be beaten by terrorists, a day after bombs ripped through trains in the financial hub Mumbai, in an attack police say bears all the hallmarks of Islamic extremists.(AFP/Prakash Singh)
The daily commute in Mumbai resumed Wednesday after bombs blasted trains on Tuesday killing 200 and injuring more than 700. AFP/Prakash Singh via Yahoo News.

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