Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gustav's path becoming clearer

Hurricane Gustav continued to move ominously toward the Louisiana coast where mandatory evacuations are underway.

Although intensity forecasts have been erratic, currently Gustav is expected to make landfall as a very dangerous Category 4 hurricane. Probably even more important than its absolute strength is the location of the landfall. Gustav's right flank will batter the city of New Orleans pushing the storm surge directly into Lake Ponchartrain. This did not occur during Katrina when the storm passed to the east of New Orleans.

Also, Gustav's east flank will threaten the west bank of New Orleans, where levees are considered particularly vulnerable. The west bank largely escaped Hurricane Katrina's fury.

Like Katrina, Gustav is a massive storm with hurricane force winds currently extending 40 miles from the center and tropical storm force winds reaching out 200 miles.

Gustav to test lessons of Katrina - 37 minutes ago
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