Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pakistan hammers militants in Khyber

Pakistan has conducted new attacks against militants in the tribal Khyber region near the Afghan border.

There have been complaints about the Pakistani government's peace deals with suspected al-Qaeda and Taliban operatives in the country. The U.S. and other countries claim that Pakistan is being used as a haven for militants to regroup for attacks inside Afghanistan.

Boston Globe

Pakistan presses on with offensive vs. militants
The Associated Press - 2 hours ago
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistani paramilitary forces destroyed a handful of militant centers and uncovered alleged torture cells as they pressed ahead Sunday with an offensive against extremists near the Afghan border, officials said.
Peace deals scrapped as Pakistani troops strike Taliban (2nd Roundup) Monsters and
Pakistan Shells Islamic Militants Near Peshawar New York Times

Pakistani para-military force soldiers guard the main road, during a crackdown operation in Bara Akakheil in the Khyber region on Saturday, June 28, 2008. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)

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