Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice, snow storms blanket U.S.

Cold arctic air is colliding with unusually warm air from the Gulf of Mexico causing extreme winter storm conditions across much of the United States.

Record cold temperatures have hit much of the Midwest and even desert locations like Las Vegas have been hit with snow storms.

Cold, stormy weather is forecast to continue through Christmas and will hamper holiday travel that is already suffering from congestion due to flight and other delays.

The storms are also hammering public utilities leaving hundreds of thousands of homes without power across the country.

Boston Globe
Snow in Vegas, Storms All Over US
The Epoch Times, NY - 11 hours ago
Winter storm warnings were in effect for parts of the Northwest US, and ice storm warnings were issued for parts of seven states in the Midwest. ...
Video: Sin City Snow StormWinter storm heads across US
Storms march across the United States United Press International

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