Saturday, September 02, 2006

Asian pilgrims killed in Iraq

Insurgents Saturday killed 14 Shi'ite pilgrims from South Asia headed for the holy city of Karbala.

The group of Pakistani and Indian pilgrims were dragged off a bus and shot in the desert.

A wounded Iraqi man rests in a stretcher at a hospital in Baquba. Insurgents slaughtered 14 Shiite pilgrims from south Asia and more than 20 Iraqis, as US President George W. Bush insisted Iraq was not in the grip of civil war.(AFP/Ali Yussef)
A wounded Iraqi man at a hospital in Baquba. AFP/Ali Yussef via Yahoo News.

"They were coming in a big bus with children and women. The attackers freed the women and children and shot dead the men, execution-style," said interior ministry spokesman Brigadier General Abdul Karim Khalaf.

The attack was the latest in a wave of sectarian violence that many believe is nothing less than a civil war.

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