Friday, July 21, 2006

Somalia Islamists declare jihad against Ethiopia

Ethiopia poured troops and supplies over the border into Somalia to protect the interim government from Islamists who declared holy war against Ethiopia in response.

"The Ethiopians have invaded our country and we must force them out of the country and this will be a holy war of Jihad," said Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, who is the supreme leader of Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia (SICS).

Somali militiamen who defected from the government in the southwestern town of Baidoa sit in the capital Mogadishu. AFP/File photo via Yahoo News.
Somali militiamen who defected from the government in the southwestern town of Baidoa sit in the capital Mogadishu. AFP/File photo via Yahoo News.

The Ethiopian action was in response to threats by leaders of Somalia's Islamist courts who said that they were prepared to seize Baidoa, the interim capital.

Several hundred troops along with supplies in 109 trucks arrived on Thursday, witnesses in Baidoa said.

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