Thursday, October 04, 2007

Is an Iran War coming?

Press reports and opinions pieces in printed and online sources are again abuzz with talk of a possible war against Iran by started by one or more of the U.S., Israel and Britain. The French, with a new conservative government, might also get into the act.

Additionally some Sunni Arab countries might offer some covert assistance in an attack against Shi'a-dominated Iran.

Rumors of an attack on Iran have been circulating for some time and not without good reason.

On the surface, it would seem such an attack is unlikely given that the U.S. and its allies are bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, some analysts believe an attack on Iran would be a way of distracting the public from the problems in those countries. There is also a general mood in the West toward containing Iran's increasing influence in the region, and worries by Sunni Arabs over the threat posed by Shi'ite Islam

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