Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tropical Storm Gustav wrecks havoc

Tropical Storm Gustav cut a path of destruction through the Caribbean on a course that would have it skirting Jamaica and Cuba and possibly slamming into Louisiana.

The current forecast does not have the potential hurricane making a direct hit on New Orleans, devastated three years ago by Hurricane Katrina, but long range predictions have average errors of hundreds of miles.

Residents of New Orleans and Louisiana are taking no chances. Bobby Jindal, the state's governor, has declared a state of emergency allowing him to mobilize National Guard troops. Evacuation plans are being made ready for New Orleans and other cities.

Currently, Gustav is forecast to produce sustained winds at its highest strength of about 125 mph.

Death toll climbs as Gustav barrels through Caribbean
AFP - 2 hours ago
KINGSTON (AFP) - Tropical Storm Gustav battered Jamaica Thursday as the death toll climbed to 51 in Haiti, two days after the storm raked across the impoverished nation at hurricane strength.
Video: New Orleans Watching Gustav's Path AssociatedPress
Gustav strengthens as it cuts swath through Caribbean
United Press International - Houma Courier - The Associated Press - The Times-Picayune -

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